Editor Missing
Name : Editor Missing
Author : Ruben Banerjee
Year of Publication : 2022
Genre : Non-fiction, Journalism
Rating : ** (Two stars out of 5)
The author has smartly used his fifteen minutes of fame to capitalise on his sacking from the Outlook group to write a semi-memoir on the state of Indian media today. While it is true that the Indian media is hopelessly polarised, centrist editors like Ruben also add fuel to the fire by giving platform to venom in the name of objectivity. The brand of journalism which Ruben practises can be summed up as follows : Godse should also be given a platform to voice his rationale on why he killed M.K.Gandhi as after all,isn't that objectivity ?
Instead of being cynical, Ruben can open his eyes to see a vista of alternate journalism avenues like Caravan, Scroll, Wire etc but unfortunately, in the exalted altar of Ruben's judgement, Siddharth Varadarajan is as polarising as Arnab Goswami. Crookedness of bad people is tough to handle but the stupidity of good people is even tougher. Ruben falls in the second category.
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