Rivers Remember
Author : Krupa Ge
Year of Publication : 2019
Genre : Non-fiction, Memoir, Society
Rating : **** (4 half stars out of 5)
The author who lost her house to the Chennai Mega floods of 2015 goes in search of the culprit behind the crime and concludes that it is a collective act of the human race exacerbated by governmental apathy. Her lyrical prose weaves different narratives seamlessly - personal , legal , political , societal, geographical and historical. It is a must read for policy makers who ought to realize that behind their decisions (or indecisions) lie the tears and blood of a suffering populace. She introduces a wide array of characters - volunteers ,activists and pluviophiles - but the most memorable of all are the rivers -Adyar, Cooum and Kosasthalaiyar- which flow through the city of Chennai. In making us remember the rivers (which remember) lies the book's success.
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