2G Saga unfolds
Name : 2G saga unfolds
Author : A.Raja
Year of Publication : 2018
Genre : Non-fiction , Politics
Mention 2G anywhere in India and the associated image is not that of villagers with mobile phones but a wickedly smiling A.Raja walking off with 1.76 lakh crores of public money. The book is a defence document of the ex-tainted ex-minister, written much before his acquittal by a special court in late 2017. The book's only literary value comes when the author suddenly stops his flow of thoughts to randomly quote a philosopher. What was dubbed as the biggest scam in Indian history led instead to a lame acquittal vindicating this book. After having read this book and Shalini Singh (the firebrand journalist who first lit the 2G bonfire)'s original accusations, it is tough to conclude whether corruption did happen in this case. One thing is clear that in the byzantine world of government, it is easy to indulge in corruption and hide behind convoluted legalese.
Never knew that this book even existed. Thanks for bringing it up. Yes, it's always easy "to indulge in corruption and hide behind convoluted legalese".