"Karunanidhi: A Life in Politics"

Name : 
"Karunanidhi: A Life in Politics"
Author : Sandhya Ravishankar
Year of Publication : 2018
Genre : Biography , Politics
Rating : ** (2 stars out of 5)

This is an introduction to the events in the leader's life. But mere reportage cannot amount to a biography and the book falls way short of calling it a biography. The author is unsure as to how to approach the leader's life-thematically or chronologically. This dilemma ensures that the book is a confused mix of repetitive stuff.

For such a short book,Sudhagaran's marriage (which is peripheral to the life of Karunanidhi) is mentioned twice with full quotes from New York Times. The book does not dwell much on his cinema avatar as well. For a non-Tamil,this is the first biography of the veteran he/she will get to read and that way,the author has done injustice to the subject by writing the book the way it has been.


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