Contenders- Who will lead India tomorrow ?
Name : Contenders- Who will lead India tomorrow ? Author : Priya Sahgal Year of Publication : 2018 Genre : Politics, Essays , Non-Fiction Rating : *** (3 stars out of 5) An excellent introduction to our leaders of tomorrow. Each chapter profiles a leader comprehensively in a pithy manner - covering where they began, the journey thus far and the challenges ahead. The author has penned cover stories on politics for newsmagazines and this experience shows as she intersperses interviews with anecdotes, political philosophy with a comment on the leader's hairdo. Almost all the leaders represented were born into political families , excepting the ones from BJP but these BJP leaders suffer from issues graver than lineage. In his foreword, Vir Sanghvi says that atleast one of these leaders profiled will be Prime Minister of India one day. I cannot see how but exciting times lie ahead.